Wi-Fi in your campsite in Vendee

Wi-Fi on campsite VendeeThe Wi-Fi is accessible on every pitches and rents of our campsite in Vendee. When you are on your pitch or in your Mobil-Home/Chalet, connect to the nearest Hotzone spot by going to your settings “Wi-Fi”. You will have about  Lorsque vous êtes sur votre emplacement vous vous connectez min of free access.
Then you can buy your subscription depending on the time you need.
– At the reception (during open hours and outside arrival and departure times) by cash or credit card. While you have suscribe to a package, you will received a paper with your logins to enter in the settings. Then, you will have access to Wi-Fi unlimited.




The Wi-Fi system of our campsite 

Wi-Fi on campsite Vendee



Only Packages minutes are valid on public computers.

Having a Wi-Fi system on a campsite in an opportunity in Vendee.